Public Transportation Acronyms & Terms

AAArea Agency on Aging
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act
AHTDArkansas State Highway and Transportation Department
APTAAmerican Public Transit Association
ATAArkansas Transit Association
CDLCommercial Drivers License
CTAACommunity Transportation Association of America
DBEDisadvantaged Business Enterprise
DDDevelopmentally Disabled or Developmental Disability
DOTDepartment of Transportation
E&DElderly and Disabled (Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities)
FFYFederal Fiscal Year
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FRAFederal Rail Administration
FTAFederal Transit Administration
FYFiscal Year
HHSHealth and Human Services
ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
MPOMetropolitan Planning Organization
NPRMNotice of Proposed Rulemaking
RTAPRural Transit Assistance Program
SAFETEA-LUSafe, Accountable, Flexible and efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2003 - A Legacy for Users
TEA-21Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century


Accessible VehicleA vehicle equipped with a wheelchair accessibility package or ramp which allows passengers using wheelchairs to enter, exit, and ride the vehicle.
American with Disabilities Act (ADA)A civil rights law passed by Congress in 1990, which makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in employment, services provided by state and local governments, public and private transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications.
AHTDArkansas State Highway and Transportation Department
ATAArkansas Transit Association
BusA self-propelled rubber-tired vehicle that (1) operates on streets and roads without being confined to a fixed guideway; and (2) is designed to accommodate 15 or more persons based upon size and design.
CommuterA person who travels regularly between the same two points for the same reason, usually employment.
Contract RouteA route operated to accommodate rides for which another agency (i.e., human service agencies or elderly programs) has contracted for the service.
Demand-ResponsiveA transportation service characterized by flexible routing and scheduling of relatively small vehicles to provide door-to-door or point-to-point transportation at the users demand; and, that operates either on the street and highway system (e.g., taxicab) or on a guideway.
Department of Transportation (DOT)The Federal Department of Transportation.
Disabled IndividualAn individual who has a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Express ServiceService along a route that provides higher speeds and fewer stops than generally found on other portions of a system or on the same route in local service.
FareThe designated payment for a ride on a passenger vehicle, whether cash, tokens, transfer, coupon, or pass.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)A part of the United States Department of Transportation which administers the federal program of financial assistance to public transit (formerly known as the Urban Mass Transportation Administration or UMTA).
Fixed RouteTransportation service operated over a set route or network of routes generally on a regular time schedule.
Intercity TransportationTransportation service between cities, usually on a fixed route, fixed schedule by certified carriers.
Intracity TransportationTransportation service within a city.
Metropolitan Planning OrganizationThe agency designated by law as responsible for developing transportation plans and programs within an urbanized area.
Operating CostThe recurring costs of providing transit service, i.e., wages, salaries, fuel, oil, taxes, maintenance, depreciation, insurance, marketing, etc.
ParatransitOne of several forms of small-capacity passenger transportation including taxis, car pools, specialized vans, Dial-A-Ride, and shared-ride.
Park-and-RideA type of transportation where a single occupant (usually) drives to a designated point by private auto and transfers to a public mode of transportation such as bus, rail, vanpool, carpool, etc. for the remainder of the trip.
PassengerA person (excluding the driver or crew members) who rides a public transportation vehicle.
Passenger MilesThe total number of passengers carried by a transit system divided by the number of miles traveled.
Passenger TripOne person making a one-way trip from origin to destination. One round trip equals two passenger trips.
Public TransportationTransportation by a conveyance that provides regular and continuing general or special transportation to the public, but does not include school bus, charter, or intercity bus transportation or intercity passenger rail transportation provided by AMTRAK.
Ride-sharingA transportation service which includes carpooling, vanpooling, buspooling and transit.
RuralA community with a population with less 5,000 population
Transit SystemThe facilities, equipment, personnel, and procedures needed to provide and maintain public transportation service.
TransportationMovement of people or goods from one place to another by public or private means.
UrbanThe term used to describe cities. The size of those areas is differentiated by calling cities of more than 50,000 population "urbanized areas" and those of 5,000-50,000, "urban areas".

Arkansas Transit Association

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